Friday, March 4, 2011

Wild Lingzhi and Various Diseases

1.  Wild Lingzhi on Tumor

Autoimmune disorders or reduced effectiveness is the important reasons the tumor occurred and in expansion.  Lingzhi can promote the interleukin-2 production, upgrade phagocytosis of monocyte-macrophage cells, enhance the body's hematopoietic ability, and especially target particular interleukin levels.  The overall effective components of Lingzhi can regulate immune function and inhibit cancer cells, formulating the preferred drug of anti-tumor, anti-cancer and cancer adjuvant treatment.  Lingzhi has no side effects on the human body.  Such merits of non-toxic immune activation just cannot be found in many chemotherapy drugs and other immune promoting drugs.

2.  Wild Lingzhi on Diabetes

The hypoglycemic effect of wild Lingzhi is through the promotions of glucose usage by the whole body organization and enhancing the sensitivity of insulin receptor cells.  Animal experiments at Japanese Dongchuan laboratory showed that after taking Lingzhi extract for a week, blood glucose level of laboratory rabbits lowered from 17.3 to 11.6, the cholesterol level lowered from 233 to 179, β-protein lowered from 580 to 465.  The water-soluble polysaccharide in Lingzhi can reduce disease level of non-insulin-dependent diabetes.  The Lingzhi health food products from Japanese Numata Kenji company have been widely used in the treatment of diabetes.

In 2003, the Shanghai Huadong Hospital held a 200-case of Lingzhi adjuvant treatment of diabetes research, among them 100-case using hypoglycemic agents alone, the other 100-case in hypoglycemic agents plus Lingzhi.  The result indicated that the hypoglycemic role of the latter increased significantly, and patients’ symptoms of lacking strength, lumbar sourness, and leg weakness improved significantly better than the group taking hypoglycemic drugs alone. Therefore, apart from preventing and curing diabetes, Lingzhi can also be effective in enhancing patients’ physical strength.
3. Wild Lingzhi on Liver Diseases

Liver diseases mainly occur due to improper eating habits and cross-infection. Modern medicine has yet to produce drugs to kill the virus of liver diseases.  Due to ineffective treatment, acute and chronic hepatitis often evolved into cirrhosis, liver ascites and liver cancer.  According to the Chinese historical medical record in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", "Lingzhi nourishes liver", Chinese medical research professional conducted clinical trials with wild Lingzhi.  Research statistics showed that the content of wild Lingzhi: polysaccharide, triterpenes, adenosine, amino acids and organic selenium, organic Germanium can repair damaged liver cells, and promote the liver rehabilitation.

4. Wild Lingzhi on Cardiovascular, Cerebrovascular Diseases 
   and Hyperlipidemia 

"Compendium of Materia Medica" recorded, Lingzhi has "the destinations," the effectiveness Modern medical research showed that wild Lingzhi can play direct roles in vascular muscle smoothing, effectively expanding coronary artery, increasing coronary blood flow, improving myocardial microcirculation, increasing myocardial oxygen and energy supply, protecting myocardial ischemia, Lingzhi can be widely used for coronary heart disease, angina treatment and prevention.  Lingzhi can significantly reduce blood cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride, and prevent the atherosclerotic plaque formation.  If atherosclerosis has been formed, taking Lingzhi can prevent various types of stroke because Lingzhi can reduce arterial cholesterol level, improve local microcirculation, and prevent platelet aggregation.

5. Wild Lingzhi on Neurasthenia and Insomnia

Modern Medicine confirmed that wild Lingzhi has "calm the nerve, sedation, sooth spirit" effects (as stated in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica"), not only can improve sleep, effective on improving the mental state of patients, loss of appetite and general health conditions, but also without causing any side effects. Neurasthenia happens because the body is run like a machine lacking repair and maintenance in overload and overworked condition.  When the body subject to abnormal rest, imbalanced nutrition supply, or heavy mental stress circumstances, the nervous system will weaken, confuse its command coordination function, and sparked a variety of unadjustable situations, and even diseases.  Insomnia is the most obvious symptom, which lead the spirit to languish, memory deteriorating, slow response, mental depression, and even schizophrenia.

Wild Lingzhi on Women Gynecological Diseases

Most of gynecological problems are caused by virus infection because of the low immunity and by endocrine disorders.  The mechanism of using wild Lingzhi to prevent or treat female gynecologic disease control is by regulating the endocrine, autonomic nervous system, improving blood circulation, strengthening immunity to fundamentally eliminate the disease.

7. Wild Lingzhi on Gastrointestina Diseases

Lingzhi’s "sedation, strengthen stomach," effects can eliminate oxygen free radicals, avoid damages to gastrointestinal mucosal wall, increase collagen cell growth rate, and accelerate the healing of ulcers.  The trace element of zinc in Lingzhi also contributes significantly in promoting healing of ulcers.

8. Lingzhi on Chronic Pneumonia, Bronchitis,

Smoking, alcohol abusing and the growing problems of air and environmental pollution cause more and more people suffering from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.  Modern medicine has verified that wild Lingzhi can increase the antibody on the tracheal mucosa, which enhances the immune capacity against respiratory diseases, and promote tracheal epithelial regeneration and repair.
Wild Lingzhi’s unique effects on allergic asthma:
  1. Lingzhi polysaccharide can increase organisms’ non-specific immune function;
  2. inhibiting organisms in releasing organizations ammonia and slow metamorphosis material;
  3. stimulate the production of gamma (γ) interferon to suppress the formation of allergic reactions;
  4. IL-stimulate the emergence to inhibit harmful allergic reaction;
  5. Calm the spirit, indirectly prevent tracheal involuntary contraction causing breathing difficulties.

9. Wild Lingzhi on Kidney Deficiency, Renal Failure, 
    and Sexual Recession
Renal failure is caused by infection after kidney deficiency, can lead to nephritis and uremia,
resulting in systemic edema, kidney deficiency, and sexual recession, difficult treatments.  Wild 
Lingzhi has body strengthening, fine diuretic, blood detoxification, and kidney curing effects, 
and has won the approval of the medical profession and many patients.

Wild Lingzhi on Leukopenia

Human leukocyte can perform phagocytosis of bacteria and is an important human immune cells.  More and more people in modern society are suffering from leukopenia because of the excessive intake of chemical drugs, receiving radiation from radioactive substances, abuse of food additives and preservatives. Leukopenia patients generally have no apparent symptoms and are easy to be ignored.  Wild Lingzhi can promote bone marrow blood-producing function, will not only cause the number of white blood cell increase, also enhance the metabolism of human immune cells and other immune factors.

Wild Lingzhi on Chronic Arthritis

Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis are diseases of the immune system disorders. Wild Lingzhi can improve the adrenocortical function and promote immune function, hence a good herb medicine for the treatment of arthritis.

Wild Lingzhi on Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid on both sides of laryngeal tuberculosis, its secretion of hormones plays important physiological role on human metabolic regulation. Hyperthyroidism is due to debilitating thyroid function, causing metabolic disorders and leading to the arising of various disorders and diseases.  It happens more on menopausal women.  At present the clinical use of anti-thyroid drugs and radioactive iodine treatment, not only difficult to cure and has very strong side effects.  Wild Lingzhi can treat hyperthyroidism on the basis of enhancing nervous system functions, balancing immune functions and regulating the endocrine system.

Wild Lingzhi on Anaphylaxis

Hypersensitivity results from hyperthyroidism in the immune system as the body is subjected to attack from a certain antigen.  Experimental proof has shown that wild Lingzhi can block the release of reactive media, suppress hyperthyroidism in the immune actions to eliminate the allergy phenomenon and getting good results in the treatment of more difficult allergic or autoimmune diseases.  Allergic patients can take Lingzhi in long-term use without poisonous side effects because of its mild, non-toxic characteristics.

Wild Lingzhi on Anti-aging, Cosmetics, and
      Longevity Effects

"Compendium of Materia Medica" stated: "Lingzhi provides good facial color, long-term use will result agility and youth."  Health is the basic guarantee of beauty, research studies have shown that wild Lingzhi can regulate human endocrine system, improve blood circulation, promoting metabolism, removal of undesirable impurities in the body, nourish the human body with various supplementary nutrients and trace elements, comprehensively improve the body's immunity and resistance, prevent premature aging of the skin and wrinkles, eliminate acne and pigment spots, avoid pathological obesity or weakness.  Wild Lingzhi can be taken internally to deliver beauty, but also can have external application for skin care cosmetic effect.  According to "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" the long-term use of wild Lingzhi can have calm effect, which will brew a state of mind in shielding all diseases.

15. Wild Lingzhi Promotes a Balanced Youth Development, and 

     Enhance Intelligence 

Dystrophy and excessive mental stress may lead young people to neurasthenia, dysphasia, insomnia, fear, loss of appetite, indigestion, mental disorders, memory decline, reduced capacity to respond, difficult focusing attention, mental decline, morbid obesity or thin disease.  Long-term use of wild Lingzhi can enhance health status, promoting of remembrance, and enhanced reaction thinking abilities.

Wild Lingzhi Provides Pregnant Mother and Infant Health 
     and Security

Taking adequate wild Lingzhi, pregnant women and baby can receive various nutrition and the provision of adequate oxygen delivery to relieve pain, and after childbirth can be rapid rehabilitation, and to ensure the healthy growth of baby after birth, smart and lively, and avoid many congenital diseases.

17. Wild Lingzhi Can Prevent AIDS

According to a research report from Dr. Masao Hattori of University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Toyama, Japan, ingredients isolated from the Lingzhi fruiting body of a high degree of oxidation triterpenoid substances and 12 kinds of known compounds, and its structure analyzed by spectrophotometers including 2-D NMR determination confirmed GANODERIOL F, GANODERMANONTRIOL, GANODERIC ACID B, GANODERIOL, GANODERIC ACID C1, 3B-5A-DIHYDROXY-6B-METHOXYERGOSTA-7, 22-DIENE, GANODERICACIDH, and GANODERIOL A have anti-AIDS virus (HIV) effect.

Wild Lingzhi on Radiation Protection

Modern human beings subject to a large volume of natural and man-made radiation exposure, such as the weakening ozone layer caused sunspots radiation, surrounded by workload and no escaping from mobile phones and computers, reduced outdoor activities but dwelling in front of the television.  Research confirmed wild Lingzhi containing a variety of biological substances, and be able to adjust and improve the body's immunity, raising the number of human leukocytes, thereby effectively eliminating radiation caused harm on the human body.  S long-term use of wild fungus, to enhance human capacity inherent anti-radiation.

19. Wild Lingzhi on Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 

Lupus Erythematosus, so far unknown etiology, happens to young women, mostly in 15-35 age group.  SLE can attack the nervous system, skin, blood generating, and bone structure at any location of the body.  SLE is a systemic organ-affection rheumatism, and a typical of human autoimmune diseases.  In China 7 in every 100,000 persons have the disease.  The disease cause severe damage impact and no organ is off limit, especially kidneys, almost 80% of the patients will be affected.  SLE patients are currently treated with steroids and other immunosuppressive drugs.  Steroids have different levels of side effects; plus the cure rate is not satisfying.  Several experts have tried wild Lingzhi and reported reaching significant results.

Wild Lingzhi on Alopecia Areata

Wild Lingzhi’s treatment on Alopecia Areata is through the adjustment of physiological functions, to restore the hair follicle epidermal physiological function, and promote hair regrowth and reduce hair loss.  According to a research report, 23 wild Lingzhi treatment of alopecia areata cases, 7 were cured in the course of 30-90 days, 5 effectual, 6 improved, the total efficiency of 78.3%.

Wild Lingzhi on Cataract, Glaucoma, Retinal Decay of Color, 
     Eye Diseases

Cataract is the original crystal lens becoming aging and blushing with variable opacity, causing visual impairment.  Often occur in middle-aged above 45 years old.  Glaucoma, the pupil becomes green reflective, if not treated timely often leads to blindness.  Glaucoma often occurred in the 50-70 age group of the elderly, the main characteristic is high intraocular pressure.  Retinitis pigmentosa, commonly known as fundus diseases, caused by vascular omentum sclerosis, retinal pigment aging, and the sensory epithelium caused atrophy, and other factors, characterized by the sudden vision diminish or loss, or in the absence of light sensory.  Wild Lingzhi has superoxide dismutase (SOD), it can keep the elimination of reactive oxygen species to prevent retina aging and achieve treatment of retinal disease.

Wild Lingzhi on Keshan Disease

Keshan disease, also known as local heart disease, first discovered in 1935 in China's Heilongjiang province.  The Chinese experts confirmed through research and laboratory analysis that the disease arises from selenium deficiency.  Wild Lingzhi is rich in organic selenium.  Clinical trial proved the cure rate was about 98%.

23. Wild Lingzhi on Muscle Diseases

Tetanic contraction of the muscle, also known as myotonic dystrophy, is a rare genetic disease.  The main clinical manifestations are muscle stiffness or poor masticatory, and gradually developed into weakness in the limb.  Conventional treatment of injecting adrenocorticotropic hormone, prednisone, insulin, glucose, and other shows no significant effects, but adverse reactions.  Creatine Phosphate is the only energy substance that vertebrate muscle tissue can temporarily store Through the creatine phosphokinase (CPK) process, transferred to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), in order to create adenosine triphosphate (ATP), at a relatively stable level, to ensure energy supply to the muscle tissue, which contributing to the reduction of the muscle inflammation.  Wild Lingzhi can inhibit the declination CPK in patients’ muscle tissue and the increase of serum CPK, and achieved satisfactory results without toxic side effects.

Wild Lingzhi on Weight Reduction

The formation of human obesity and endocrine disorders are closely linked. Human endocrine out of control, if the autonomic nerve subject to stimulation and in a continuing excited state, causing the human digestive system absorb beyond human body energy needs, resulting in excess energy, fat and formation of obesity. Relying on the mandatory diet, diarrhea and other symptoms of weight loss method are not desirable.  For such external coercion slimming method not only cannot help balance the state of endocrine disorders, it would contribute to or aggravate high blood lipids, hypertension, fat deposition, arteriosclerosis, the skin wrinkles and pigmentation, and other symptoms.  Wild Lingzhi weight loss is to adjust mechanism to normalize endocrine, promote moisture and fat metabolism, and maintain the stability of the health.  It became the best way to lose weight.  During the initial taking, old and fatty discharge and increased times of urine will occur.  After endocrine resumes normal healthy access, intestinal absorption and decomposition not only returned to normal excretion, constipation, abdominal distention, edema and other obesity symptoms disappeared, weight decreased.  At the same time obesity caused heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, joint pain, hypertension, etc. diseases and swollen shoulder, fatigue, chill and other phenomena receive excellent therapeutic effects.  At present, many of the slimming products added cultivated Lingzhi and cannot reach the ideal slimming effect.  The weight-reducing effect of wild Lingzhi is extremely stable and no rebound yo-yo effect, which is impossible for the other slimming products to achieve.

Wild Lingzhi on Skin Care

Taking bath with cooked Lingzhi water will achieve excellent cure effect for patients with severe eczema and other skin diseases.  Wash face and feet with Lingzhi water will result in beautification, health prevention and treatment effects.

Wild Lingzhi on Environmental Pollution and 
     Various Occupational Diseases

Long-term use of wild Lingzhi can greatly reduce the harmful effects of chemical substances such as paints, gasoline, pesticides, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, dust and other substance to body cells, especially to silicosis.

27. Wild Lingzhi on Other Diseases

Wild Lingzhi can prevent reductions of platelet, white blood cell, and hemoglobin; eliminate waste in the body; prevent tired spirit, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, body emaciated, abortion of pregnant women, etc.  After taking wild Lingzhi, Patients with the above symptoms have reported more than 90 per cent recovery rate.  Wild Lingzhi can stimulate bone marrow, and increase white blood cell production in a variety of situations, such as damage caused by radiation drugs, and leukopenia.
Wild Lingzhi can also treat other anti-aging and immune-related diseases and symptoms, such as: by increasing the body's immunity and resistance against stubborn virus invasion such as AIDS; also help the body to improve tolerance against the adverse environment (such as Plateau hypoxia, etc.); as well as inhibit excessive contraction of the uterine smooth muscle to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding.  And in other cases like retinitis pigmentosa, stunting brain disease, progressive muscular dystrophy and muscular atrophy ankylosis, wild Lingzhi also has very significant clinical effect.  Wild Lingzhi also has good analgesic effect to treat headache, back pain, neuralgia, cancer pain, and others.

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