Friday, January 28, 2011


 According to current scientific theory, breast cancer is believed to result from a series of alterations in the genes of breast cells. A cancerous tumor may develop for several years before it can be detected. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer include a lump, swelling, discharges from the nipple, tenderness, indentation of the nipple, or a dimpled appearance of the breast skin.

The most frequently-cited factors in developing breast cancer are hormones, age, and family history. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Statistics on the relative risk of developing breast cancer with age show that one woman in 19,608 at the age of twenty-five, one woman in 50 at the age of fifty, and one woman in ten at the age of eighty develops breast cancer. Women who began menstruation early (age 11 or younger) or who reach menopause late (age 55 or older) are at higher risk for breast cancer. Some women inherit genes that are more susceptible to the alterations that can lead to breast cancer.

Today, the standard therapies for breast cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and autologous bone marrow transplants. These therapies are often used in combination, and they are the best hope for breast cancer sufferers. But these powerful treatment modalities also produce significant side effects, and coping with the side effects can be as emotionally difficult as coping with the cancer itself. It is precisely in this area of dealing with the side effects of cancer therapy that traditional Chinese medicine is most useful and effective. The combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary modifications can greatly improve the overall health and well-being of the cancer patient. In China, this marriage of modern Western therapies with ancient healing techniques is the normal approach to treating cancer.

Effects of herbal:

Ling zhi role as antineoplastic, cardiovascular, and antibiotics. As an antineoplastic ling zhi shows effect of increasing the immunity / immune, encourage makrofak activity and T-lymphocytes. He increased the production of cytokines, interleukins, and interferon in the body. As cardiovascular ling zhi overcome low blood pressure and heart muscle contraction to maintain stability. Ling zhi as antibiotics work by inhibiting the growth of some foreign pathogens (E. coli, Pseudomonas spp, streptococci A, staphylococci, and pneumococci ) and showed antibacterial activity.

Ms. Imah (username): 37

Types of diseases: breast cancer (ranked fourth)
Ms. Imah (a pseudonym) is a chronic patients and breast cancer. Breast cancer has been a year. Prior to this treatment and tried various treatments, but the effort did not show any effect on the recovery until he was introduced to the product's initial proposalGanoderma two bottles a day, and the use of Ganoderma lucidum tea to washwounds,

Ms. Imah drink tea concentrated extract of Ganoderma lucidum, and no further spread of cancer cells, drank tea fungus after 2 weeks, have shown that effective response,around the wound in her breast has healed gradually. Prior also said the pain inside of Ganoderma lucidum tea drinking has been reduced pain. uses about 2 months, in a very short period of time to make her life would be to fight cancer to normal.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

見證 1

Imah 女士(用户名):37 


Imah女士喝灵芝茶的浓缩提取物,癌細胞并沒有进一步擴散,喝了灵芝茶2星期後,反应都表现出如此見效,绕在她的乳房的傷口也已逐渐愈合。在此之前还称裡面疼痛喝了灵芝茶已減少疼痛. 使用大約2個月,在很短的时间就战胜癌症讓她生活會复正常。

Monday, January 17, 2011


现代科学研究表明:灵芝中还含有丰富的灵芝多糖、灵芝多肽、三萜类、17种氨基酸、 蛋白质、

4-6个微米,是活体生物,灵芝孢子在自然环境下收集非常困难,大约出产 100公斤原木灵芝才


1、 提高人体免疫机能,双向调节,适合所有人群。 
2 、化疗肿瘤患者,手术后患者增强体质,改善症状 
3、 体弱多病者,大病初愈者。 
4、 思虑过度,心神失养,夜睡不佳,经常失眠者,体力及记忆力减退。 
5、 心血管疾病、糖尿病、慢性肝炎、老年病等慢性疾病患者的辅助调理。 
6、 中老年人的预防各种疾病,延缓衰老。 
7、 中青年女士,美容养颜,减脂、减肥等。